This bingo card has 25 words: "Valiant is mid" (or equivalent), Same team sniped 3+ times in one format, Complaint about the rules, R1 Incineroar in all divisions (doubles), Picking an illegal Pokémon, "Calyrex isn't LC" (or equivalent), Dracovish discourse, "Why is X so cheap?" (or equivalent), University mascot pick, "X is great in [other format]" (or equivalent), Pokémon outside top 4 tiers drafted R1 (any format), Live Wo-Chien reaction, Draft with three 1 point Pokémon, Kokolucha (natdex), Someone gets skipped (timer), 1 point tera captain, "Smeargle bad" (or equivalent), Sun core in ALL formats, 10+ hour wait for R1 pick (any format), Almost everybody disagrees with a take, Picking on someone else's turn, "Can we put this in the rules?" (or equivalent), "I can't read" (or equivalent), "Mmmmm Monke" (or equivalent) and Top tier undrafted R1 (any format).
Pokemon Draft #6 | BRO 2022 Premium | Baseball Game Bingo | WWUA Baseball Game Bingo | Eirik_Olavsson's Hidden Cup 4
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.