Dental Health Bullet Points

Dental Health Bullet Points Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Practice bullet points 1 on 1 with a coworker, Schedule a dental, Discuss scheduling a dental with 1 client, Practice bullet points by yourself, Practice bullet points in a group, Look at the teeth of 5 patients in one day, Say a positive comment about dental month to a coworker, Discuss dental health with a client, Familiarize yourself with the dental machine and its parts, Familiarize yourself with the dental x-ray, Study a canine dental chart, Study a feline dental chart, Memorize how many teeth a dog has, Memorize how many teeth a cat has, Learn how the teeth are numbered in their respective quadrants, Learn ways clients can care for their pets' teeth at home, Know what a dental grade 1-2 looks like, Know what a dental grade 3 looks like, Know what a dental grade 4 looks like, Practice bullet points with a Doctor, Have a dental estimate ready to go for 2 appointments, Go over a dental estimate with a client, Calculate 20% off of each dental estimate and Schedule a complimentary oral exam (can be with or without a wellness).

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