This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: sends 5 messages in a row, “you already know what i’m going to day but…”, gets a call from Eve, makes veggie chili that has meat in it, overthinks something small, yells at me for over exercising or mentioning laxatives, responds back within 30s, ignores me bc of a call from Eve, “i’m working on it”, takes a lap around Golds, pushes himself to grow and be uncomfortable, buys a Sweatshirt from STAY instead of going to therapy, gets passive aggressively flamed by roommate, “new book???”, can’t make a decision bc “i like being told what to do”, says the right thing to me, “i cOnTrIbUtE nOthInG tO tHiS fRieNdShIp🥺”, overachieves at work, creates an excel spreadsheet, makes me actually have to think while responding to a text, takes a nap during lunch, uses 10 post it notes in one day, sends a novel over text and says a word or phrase I don’t understand.
SOLOMON | Taco fest trip William | Conner Bingo! | Celestress' Celestial Truths | bingo!
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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