This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Sell a Full Boat, Receive a customer compliment, Get a $10 up sell, Get a corporate lead, Get a selfie with a customer, Hand shakes with every customer all day, Get a $25 up sell, Sell XM Radio, Sell prepaid fuel twice, Sell DW to a customer, Sell basic coverage, Get a customer compliment, Do 3 boss calls, Asked 3 questions upon return all day, CARP'D customers all day, Get a $5 up sell, Sell liability, Get a $15 up sell, Get an employee refferal, Get a $20 upsell, Get a car sales lead, Sell RAP, Book 2 weekend specials and Sell all of the core 4 in a day.
1845 BINGO MADNESS | Hana 2024 BDC | Number Bingo 1-25 | Sales | Cabi Bingo
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