This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Philadelphia, Nazareth Hospital, wheel chair races, The Great Smoke Out, hitchhike, Mom mom's brothers, Most Holy Trinity Church, Alpine Inn, Cowboy Bar, Oct. 20, 1973, Cottage Green in Phili, Ranch House, Driver's License, Arizona, Penn State, Ireland, Puerto Rico, Track Team, Reading, Music, creative writing, 11 siblings, 4 siblbings, coconut cream pie, Cafeteria Manager, Aunt Kathleen & Uncle Mike, Who is that girl? She is really cute., He is very loyal, loving, and trustworthy. and She would go above and beyond for me..
Like vs looks like vs is like | Reasons Why Katelyn Rocks! | Wedding shower | VERNELL BINGO | S20 U12 I am wearing a suit
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