Marble League 2023

Marble League 2023 Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: CCE get like,5th or better, Pinkies finish 7th-11th, Chocolatiers get last in 2 events, Wisps Fail to Qualify, atleast 2/3 of the Bolts,Snow and Limers Qualify, Records in 1st event, A bottom 4 showdown team fails to qualify, A staple team gets last, The Duck is talked about, I guess atleast 75% of the qualified right, i get both the one above and below right, No marblecross, Snowy saves the team, Hazers Win the Showdown, no medals for the bolts, Speeders top 3, A bottom 4 showdown team wins, I guess atleast 3 teams's positions right, Someone DSQ, Rojo Rollers medal in qualifiers, BOC and stars in the same group, no medals for last place, Team Plasma Qualifies, Flares get bottom 2, Mints fail to Qualify, Stars qualify, somebody in bottom 3 medals in one of the last 2 events, Somebody does the 2022 pinkies or Swarm or Galactic, Kobalts top 3 showdown, A staple Event does not appear, Good Team fails to qualify, Rockets Qualify, Neither Pinkies nor Galactic podium in sand rally, Aryp gets the brain, 7th place curse, Bottom Half in Marbula 1 win 2023, Black Jacks Qualify, Atleast one new team DNQ, Somebody beats the 2022 BOC, Wolfpack Qualify, everyone bottom 3, Speeders have no chance by final event, Host Curse, 1 of the top 3 DNQ'ed in 2022, Mary goosegg, Limers storm the field, somebody gets a 1/0/40 on swing wave and Everyone medals.

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