This bingo card has a free space and 44 words: Need, Want, Goods, Services, Scarcity, Economics, Shortage, Entrepreneur, Factors of Production, Land, Labor, Physical Capital, Human Capital, Trade-off, Opportunity Cost, Thinking at the margin, Cost/benefit analysis, Marginal Cost, Marginal Benefit, Production possibilities curve, Efficiency, Key Economic Questions, Economic system, Profit, Specialization, Free Market economy, Household, Firm, Self-interest, Traditional economy, Incentive, Competition, Invisible Hand, Consumer Sovereignty, Centrally Planned economy, Private Property, Mixed economy, Free Enterprise System, Profit Motive, Public Sector, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Private Sector and Adam Smith.
Fundamentals Of Economics | Entrepreneurs in a Market Economy | Business Bingo | Civics and Economics CE.11 BINGO | 2.04 Free Enterprise Bingo
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