This bingo card has 31 words: ANTI-Free!, Cowboy PeeWee, Bull Riding, “I remember the Alamo”, Biker Bar, Knocking Over Motorcycles, White Platform Shoes, Dancing to Tequila, Smashing Glasses, Crashing into a Sign, Hospital, The Devil, Warner Bros Studios, Nuns, PeeWee Gets His Bike, Pink and Blue Elephants, Studio Nursery, Beach Scene, Santa Claus, Godzilla, Twisted Sister, Tarzan Scene, Pet Shop on Fire, Chimpanzee, Rats, Drive In Movies, Ninjas, Mickey, Bellhop PeeWee, “I know you are, but what am I” and Speck.
Camp Deer Run BINGO!!! | Camp Deer Run BINGO!!! | Camp Deer Run BINGO!!! | Camp Deer Run BINGO!!! | Camp Deer Run BINGO!!!
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