This bingo card has 20 words: Works Cited Page, In-text citations, Academic Dishonesty, Common Knowledge, APA Style, Allowing another individual to change your paper, such as the tone and structure, is plagiarism, Directly copying from another source without citations is plagiarism, MLA Style, Free SPACE!, Give Credit, Plagiarism, Brainstorming with a tutor/friend and fixing grammar is not plagiarism, Citations must be correctly completed, Your own experiences do not need citations, Resubmitting previous work is plagiarism, When in doubt, cite!, Intentional Plagiarism, Unintentional plagiarism, Paraphrase and Reference Page.
Avoiding Plagiarism Bingo | Citation Management Bingo | LET'S PLAY | Avoiding Plagiarism Bingo | Avoiding Plagiarism Bingo
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