This bingo card has 25 words: Good JOB!, I'm Proud of YOU!, You're Helpful, Hard Worker, You're Awesome, Thumbs UP, Wonderful!, You're Kind, That was Thoughtful, Good Thinking, High FIVE, Thank You!, FREE!, I love your smile, Great Job, You ROCK, Number 1, Good Listener, You're so smart, Super Job, Awesome, Super, Thanks for being Patient, Great Idea and You're so smart.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: You're so smart (2)
Positive Words | Positive Words | Positive Words | Positive Words | Positive Words
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.