This bingo card has a free space and 51 words: Wearing their badge, Wearing flip-flops, Wearing glasses, From NY, Loves Dunkin', Has 10 years of service, Staff has ONLY worked at BMMS, Staff is split between two schools, David introduces himself, Kelsea introduces herself, Katherine introduces herself, Anne-Marie introduces herself, Craig introduces himself, Emily introduces herself, Jenny introduces herself, Teaches Tech Ed/Comp Sci, Teaches Spanish, Teaches Health, Teaches French, Teaches MS Electives, Teaches FACs, Teaches 6th grade, Teaches 7th grade, Teaches 8th grade, SGA sponsor, Social Committee Chair, It's Academic Sponsor, Has moved 8x, Loves tennis, Traveled this summer, Mindy introduces herself, Coaches a sport, Has 20 years of service, Started teaching 2015, 1st year at BMMS, DEIL of BMMS, Runner, Indoor rock climber, Chocolate lover, Staff started teaching in 1976, Loves cats, Still watches Soap Operas from the 80s, Retried Electrical Engineer, Married with 2 Children, Bicyclist, Pianist, Loves animals, Loves traveling, Supports/Sponsors Coding Club, 5th Year Teaching and 4th Year at Burleigh.
GAP 2017 | 2019 Japan-U.S. ICT Teacher Exchange Program | Ice Breaker Bingo | Know Your Neighbor | Fun Facts!
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