
This bingo card has a free space and 34 words: Ronald Reagan, “Climate conspiracy”, Gender theory, Playful antisemitism, Horrifying desantis laugh, You accidentally agree with chris Christie, Pandering to Iowa farmers, “WoKE mInD VirUS”, Pence looks terrified, A candidate lands a joke, Stolen election, “Witch hunt”, Elite person “hates elites”, Praise trump, Desantis says something racist, Drinking water weird, “Judeochristian” values, “Deep state”, Promises to pardon Trump, “Abortion”, “Parents rights”, “Biden crime family”, Hunter Biden comes up, “Fauci”, “Nancy Pelosi”, Talking over each other, Mispronounce something, Pronouns, Trump Indictments, January 6, Biden’s age, Refuses to answer question, Insult over poll numbers and Hilary’s emails.

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