This bingo card has a free space and 52 words: Joined the Pre-Pharmacy Club, Have a parent or sibling who works in the health care field, Chose a psychology elective as a prerequisite course, Chose a sociology elective as a prerequisite course, Chose a native studies elective as a prerequisite course, Have a university degree prior to admission, Does not have a university degree prior to admission, Worked in a pharmacy before, Have not worked in a pharmacy before, Knows someone who is currently enrolled in the program, Can name 5 other classmates in the same year, Can name 3 staff or faculty members in the college, Is from out of province, Is from Saskatoon, Is from another Saskatchewan town/city, Friends with one of your classmates prior to admission, Plans to join a pharmacy club, Plans to run for a leadership position in the college, Can name 3 different careers a pharmacist can have, Plans to get a job as a pharmacy student, Plans to attend one pharmacy social event this week, Travelled in the last year, Worked a job in the summer, Can speak more than 1 language fluently, Living on campus, Living with family, Has a pet, Is left-handed, Has braces, Can play a musical instrument, Does not like coffee, Has a summer birthday, Likes spicy food, Wears contact lenses, Has 0 unread emails, Won a contest, Is vegetarian, Is an only child, Watched both Barbie and Oppenheimer in theatres, Been to or plans to go to a Taylor Swift concert, Does livestreams on a streaming platform, Invested in cryptocurrency, Bought internet influencer merchandise, Did not leave home for more than 5 days during COVID lockdown, Had to skip out on own graduation due to COVID lockdown, Have never owned a VHS tape, Owns both an iPhone and Mac computer, Owns more than 1 gaming console, Sent a meme in their last text message, Logged into their TikTok account in the last 24 hours, Listens to at least 1 podcast regularly and Had a debate with a stranger on the internet in the past month.
Find a teacher who .... | CASA Staff Bingo | Nursing 101 Icebreaker | Icebreaker Bingo | Nursing 101 Icebreaker
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