This bingo card has a free space and 78 words: religious, spelling error, basic blonde kid, tries to get adopted, emo kid, random insult, entitled, looking for mate, homophobic, stares and runs away, sits with us, actual compliment, singing or references, *cries*, digging for attention, keeps coming back, argues, uwu kid, trollers, beggars, someone we've met before, Parents died, leaves the server, "I'll ban you", copycat/trying to fit in, likes us because we're rich, poor insult/reused insult, basic name, states their sexuality in their description, doesn't know the right word, eyebleed/abuses neon material, bio repeats itself, thinks swearing is edgy, Warrior Cats style name, tags out, chases us, growls at us, contradicts themself (kind AND mean), depressed or sad, ruler of something, says something that makes no sense, says something cringy, rare, asks to be friends, emoji spam, tries to flex, inappropriate, angel, doesn't differ from talking/action, overpowered, experiment, unnecessary details, only likes coke, overly aggressive, misgenders, stuttering, default colours, stupid/doesn't understand something, dead/dies, solid hue, *dodges* (bad roleplayer), shapeshifter, opinionated description, no name, zodiac sign, aggressively fancy roleplayer, absurd/excessive roleplay drama, abc for ___, 'quirky', tries to lead/ride/carry us, all caps, rudolph nose, alpha, changes after interaction, tries to 'ruin our reputation', "meanie", fox colours and cosplayer.
Twin Bingo | NRH BINGO (EAGLE) | Scholtz Bingo | Scholtz Bingo | Scholtz Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
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