This bingo card has 30 words: Married less than 5 years, Have a dog, Have more than 3 kids, Attended Faith Church over 5 years, Went on a vacation in the last year, Got Married on the beach, High school sweethearts, Met on a blind date or were set up by someone, Have matching tattoos, Has been on a date in the last week, First time to be in a small group, Dated for less than a month, Does not have kids, In laws live within 1 mile, Married over 20 years, Have anniversary this month, Have attended a marriage event in the last year, Lived in the same house since marriage, Eloped, Traveled outside country together, Attended Faith Church less than a year, Has a cat, Got married outside of Oklahoma, Free Space, Met online, Both work together, Both have only lived in Oklahoma, Got a new job in the last year, Have a birthday this month and Works from home.
CORD Small Group | CORD Small Group | MARRIAGE | For Keeps Human Bingo | MARRIAGE
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