This bingo card has 25 words: Find a Python Tutorial On Something Mr Grant Doesn't Know How to Do, Find a Picture at least 2400x2400, Find The Name of the Oldest Programming Language, Find a .FON File, Locate The Computer's System 32 File, Find the Keyboard Shortcut to Open LinkedIn, Open the API folder of a Website Through Inspect, Get a Score of 1000 on the Google Dinosaur Game, Find the Name of the Lowest Rated Computer Game on Steam, Find the Cat Paw Secret on Google, Find the Most Viewed Video On Youtube, Make your Own Meme Online (School Appropriate), Write a Program in Python (At least 10 lines), Edit a Video (School Appropriate), Find the Most Disliked Video on Youtube, Make Google Do a Barrel Roll, Find the Name of the Highest Rated Computer Game on Steam, Get a Score of 25 on Google Snake Game, Change your Computer Background to a Funny Picture of a Cat, Find the Keyboard Shortcut to Take a Screenshot (Not Prt Sc), Locate the Computer's, Find a .RAW File, Find the Name of the What Language Apple OS is Written in, Find a Picture Smaller than 256x256 and Find a Computer Fact Mr Grant Doesn't Know.
Who Knows Technology? | Tech Bingo | Technology | Backlog Bingo | ASL 2 Technology
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