CKI Bingo

CKI Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 37 words: Been to a Kiwanis Meeting, Family Member in Kiwanis, Writes With Their Left Hand, Wears Contacts, Wearing UNR Merch, Has Ears Peirced, From Another State, Went to FTC, Participated in Every Welcome Week Event (So Far!), Dyed Hair, Was in Key Club, Writes With Their Right Hand, Traveled Outside the U.S, Has Iphone, Double Majoring, Born in Reno, Thinks a Hotdog is a Sandwich, Went to DCON, Went to Murder Mystery Night, Wearing CKI Merch, Likes Tomatoes, Wears Glasses, Has Been to Reno Burrito Project, Eats Hot Chip and Lies, Same Hair Color, Same Eye Color, Same Major, Declared a Minor, First Year in CKI, Third Year in CKI, Board Member, Raised in Reno, Hates Tomatoes, Disagrees, Hotdogs are NOT Sandwiches, Has Samsung, Birthday is This Month and Been to Disneyland.

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