Job Path Bingo!

Job Path Bingo! Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Got someone hired at a restaurant this year, Has more than one tattoo, Turned in their August mileage form on time, Knows Bridget's dog's name, Supports someone with "Y" in their 1st name (like Kayt), Spilled something on clothes @ Red Wings game, Got hit by the Kia Boyz, Is using PTO this week, Knows what OPWDD stands for, Plans to dress up for Halloween this year, Did a peer interview this calendar year, Forgot their Relias password at least twice, Knew how to spell "Charis" before seeing this, Visited someone in Webster this week, Was interviewed by Leah, Graduated from Penfield or a Greece school, Saw Barbie at the theater, Had to reset someone's Indeed password this month, Thinks the Pittsford Wegmans is overrated, Loves Candy Corn (like Luke), Has needed Lori to let them in at least once since June, Worked at Strong Museum this summer, Stopped at the nearby Dunkin' already today and Has gone more than 1 month without UKG time card help.

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