alyssa's friend bingo <3

alyssa's friend bingo <3 Bingo Card

This bingo card has 24 words: has been roomies with alyssa, lived in the same dorm as alyssa, doesnt know alyssa, has taken yoga class with alyssa, sits next to alyssa at work, has known alyssa the longest, has smoked with alyssa, has been driven by alyssa, free<3, lives in the same neighborhood as alyssa, went bouldering with alyssa for 1 of the 4 times she's been lol, been on the same team as alyssa at work🤓, has dated alyssa ;), met alyssa before college, has done a group project with alyssa, has done pottery with alyssa, born in october, is also a libra, not from california, has been to new jersey, has made alyssa a latte, has received a latte from alyssa, has fooled alyssa bc she's gullible lol and watched movie/show with alyssa and she fell asleep.

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