
This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: Missed back to back Status Calls, Worked from someone's else office seat, Worked in the company for 2 years or more, Works out before work, Has an organized office desk, Worked more than 18 Client hrs, Attended Client lunch/Dinner, Got PBC's & completed the entity within office hours, Takes Tea/coffee breaks too often, Didn't show up in office for a month (WFH), Hosted a training session, Got a new client mid- Season., Missed Internal trainings, Worked on all designated holidays through Busy seasons to get Compensatory off, Worked in the company for less than 2 years, Played Carrom in Breakout room, Borrowed connecters in office, Won outstanding Professional behavior Award, Been away entire day on non-busy season without PTO., Pranked a coworker, Hat-Trick in skipping TCC meetings, Has a coworker as a best friend, Crossed 60 hrs week, Won Applause Award, Seated in a different floor in office, Had west Wednesday lunch, Owns a Deloitte personal device, Crossed 70 hrs week, Nominated someone for an award, Attended TCC lunch, Took a nap in office, Missed an internal deadline!, Skipped office to watch a movie, Have done adhoc work atleast once, Faced conflicts in client work, Watched TV in breakout room, Worked more than 15 Client hrs, Missed to fill DTE, First one to arrive at office, Got a -ve Variance, Shared your lunch with your coworkers, Won Spot Award, Watched TV show in office, Missed to validate Mysource, Used Well-Being Subsidy, Won outstanding performance Award, Last one to leave office and Got a +ve Variance.

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