This bingo card has 36 words: Free!, Successfully McGyver a break in your vacuum, Neighbors walking by ask for a business card, Client pawns off things they don't want anymore on you, Scrub something so well that it changes colors, Client requests you for their next clean, Listen to amusing (and probably very personal) stories that the client's child tells you about their family, Become best friends with the client's pet, Get ultra satisfying before and after pictures, Parking right in front of the client's building!, Walk face first into a spiderweb, A move out client accidentally packs away your duster while you're cleaning, Go home with dust bunnies in your hair, Spider creeping in the sink, Cobwebs just out of reach, Walk over your perfect vacuum lines, Put all the toys in a box: client's child immediately dumps it all out again, Impossible knot in the vacuum cord, Accidentally lock yourself out of the house after you started cleaning it, Make a loud noise while client is on a conference call, Vacuum makes a strange noise, Cat jumps in the sink or tub right after you finish cleaning it, Only have single-ply toilet paper for folding, Find the cat's hoard of hair ties and bottlecaps, Feather duster gets stuck on something, Dog eats the swept dirt pile, Successfully carry all your equipment in one trip, Client leaves out the wrong size sheets for the bed, A creature growls at you from under a couch, Client's teenager makes food while you're cleaning the kitchen, Cat sneaks under the sheets while making the bed, Apron hook gets caught on door handle, Dog steals your towels, Slabtown condo building door code doesn't work, Creepy basement with one flickering lightbulb and Mystery juice at the bottom of the fridge.
pesach cleaning edition | Teletherapy Bingo | Qualitative BINGO | Qualitative BINGO | Digging Deep Bingo
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