This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: Gave a HINN, Dr. Hoover Gives you a Compliment, LTACH D/C, Attended Compass Boards, Gave a MOON, Gave an IMM, Acute Care to Acute Care Tx, Completed a PA for Med, Discharged a LOS >60 (this week), Dialysis Set Up, Pt Left AMA, Kenny (CEO) Rounded on your Unit, Set up a LifeVest, Entered a Patient Safety (RL), Helped a Peer, Put in an IT Ticket, Set up Wound Vac for D/C, Discharged patient to another State, LOS/GMLOS Completed on Compass Board, EDD Documented, D/C to IPR, D/C to SNF, Inpatient Hospice pt on your unit, Documented Avoidable Days, Called DCS, Called APS, Provided MLP Letter, Referred patient to AHCN, Fixed the printer, Set up IV antibx for D/C, Secured Sklled RN for HH, Discharge Kepro Appeal on your unit, Obtained Choice Form, Asked for Palliative Care Consult, Show a Provider how to enter Orders, Called Insurance CM for Help, Participating in Weekly Placement Calls, ZERO patients LOS > 5 days on your unit, Patient will D/C with a Trach, Emailed CDI for trach placement coding, Worked an adoption, Set up tube feeds for discharge, Bariatric d/c >400 lbs, Escalated a barrier, Gave a Bus Pass, Gave a taxi voucher, Got complete D/C order before 10am and Said thank you to your peers.
Case Management BINGO | Halloween Wars BINGO | Nurses Week 2022 | Burnout Bingo | Case Management Bingo
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