This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: talks about tigon/tigon breeding, calls me dumb/dumb baby, forgets to bring something to work, “im just a silly lil guy”, SOS, makes that stupid face, “i’m not tired” falls asleep 2 minutes later, forgets to eat for 24 hours, drinks an energy drink, says something homophobic, destiny 2, passive SI statements, calls something gay, makes fun of furries, “something hurts”, refuses to go to bed, says something racist, “can i see titties?”, complains about work/boss, sharks/red pandas, complains about lioden, says he’s “well done”, whips/dances and gets constipated.
Dad Dinner Bingo | BP Bingo | Stormy Bingo | Gaven Bingo Card | Wall
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