Eye Designs Bingo

Eye Designs Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Trauger shops for guns online, Lithgow buys a Brisk iced tea, Chris mentions his diet/weight, Jerry Ku returns a call to the office, Someone buys donuts/pretzels for the office, One of the twins walks around the factory with a dog, Christina gets worked up before 12 PM, Mary asks for people to cover her calls, Neil talks on speakerphone with his door open, Ken brings up his dad or mom, Nigel comes to visit, Bartosch emails two days in a row, Ed tells a jokebook style joke, Doug comes in after 9 AM or leaves before 3 PM, Weber wears a t-shirt with cars or motorcycles on it, Mike Martz eats pizza for lunch, Melody uses the phrase "BJ" or "BJ's" suggestively., Joe Gray has a meeting with a vendor, James sends an email out to the office, Someone uses reply all to a global office email, Tim forgets something in his office after leaving for the day, A client comes in to visit, Jason says "or whatever" in conversation and One of "the others" visits the office.

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