This bingo card has 25 words: Someone who is not from KY., Someone who is an only child., Someone who is a member of a Fraternity or Sorority, Someone who is left-handed., Someone who has studied a language besides English., Someone who plays an instrument., Someone who has lived in another country., Someone born in a month starting with J.(or in the same month as you), Someone who graduated from (choose any–business school, Speed school, A&S, Kent, for example)( or studied/studies in the same college as you, Someone born in (choose decade), Someone who lived on campus their freshman year., Someone who studied abroad., Someone who was a SOSer, Someone who did work study while in school., Someone who play(ed) a sport (intramurals or collegiate team), Someone who took a Pan-African studies course, Someone who traveled out of state to attend this event, Someone who is a current undergraduate student, Someone who is an alumni, Someone who is/was involved in a Recognized Student Organization, Someone who currently works at UofL, Someone who did not change their major, An alum that volunteers at UofL/with the alumni office, Someone who has attended an athletic event at UofL and Someone that can do the CARDS cheer.
UTIRAN Nowruz 1403 Bingo! Find someone who... | UTIRAN Nowruz 1403 Bingo! Find someone who... | Networking Bingo | UTIRAN Nowruz 1403 Bingo! Find someone who... | UTIRAN Nowruz 1403 Bingo! Find someone who...
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Learn how to conduct a bingo game.
With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.