This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: 500ml sodium chloride, CT face, CT the neck, CT Head without contrast, CT Guidance, CT Abdomen/Pelvis w/o Contrast, CT Chest lung annual, CT Head (code stroke) w/o contrast, CT Angio Head with and w/o contrast, CT Face (sinus) w/o contrast, Barium, Cryo Procedure, CT Hip w/o contrast, CT Face w/o contrast, CT Chest w/ contrast, Initial Lung Screening, CT Abdomen and pelvis w/ contrast, CT Wrist w/o contrast, CT Chest (high resolution) w/o contrast, CT Angio Abdomen/Pelvis with and without Contrast, Med Rad Syringes, 500ml sodium chloride, CT Ankle w/o contrast and Biopsy Tray.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: 500ml sodium chloride (2)
CT Bingo | Imaging Tech Week BINGO | Ancillary/PCP Bingo | XRAYS | CT ER BINGO
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