pvc minecraft speedrun bingo

pvc minecraft speedrun bingo Card

This bingo card has 55 words: Desk Slam, "Bill Tinn", "RWDA", More than 30 Pauses in 1 run, Blames Chat, does the wideOmE laugh, Eats a Poison Stew, Laughs at a TTS, 🥄, k4 advice, Hops In (Accidentally), Fails Portal, Asks Chat, Not enough eyes, 100% Scan, Completion, Ignores Stray Blaze, Burns Pork, Woodlight, Mapfull BT, Flint First try, Hot Tourist Destinations, Eye Break, Full Armor, "This is it", End Enter, Pearl Hang, BAAAAAAAAT, NSFW ASCII in chat, Switches to Kick DURING RUNS, Accidental Reset, "Much Love" or "Welcome to the Jungle", Brings Kelp to Second Structure, Sees Bastion Before Scanning, Dies to Fall Damage, 5+ Min Enter, Dies to Pearl, Death Reset, Obtains Uncooked Porkchop, Return To Sender, "This song is dogshit", Gets Withered, Throws 3 Eyes, Not Enough String out of Bastion, Swims to Foodwreck, Bad Pearl, Dono = Die, Mis-craft, Portal into a Cave, Dono War, Calls Forsen out for Cheating, Nether spawn over lava, Basalt Spawn, Spawn inside Fortresss and Spawn inside bastion.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.