Petrichor fart BingoPingala

Petrichor fart BingoPingala Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Claudias BF farts, A fart joke, Claudia breaks up with timmy(?), Aaravos and Viren have "relations", relationship drama with Reyla and Callum, Soren switching sides again..., gay people kiss, Raylas parents get freed, Viren dies again..., Raylas Uncle meets his BF again, Callums becomes the avatar, Zym is a teenager, Claudia is cringe, Claudia dies, Dragon gathering, racism ends, Matt Mercering, Rayllum happens, Dragon Prince kings, Aaravos reals, New bug, Season ends on a cliffhangy, Dog eats Pastry and The Backer gets promoted.

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