
This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Ion retires, Classic+ jebait, Somehow, Sylvanas returned, Player housing, WoW mobile, World revamp news, Trader's tender buy options, Caverns under Sargeras sword lead us to the other side of Azeroth, More individual class based cosmetic updates/additions (spells, armor, zones, etc.), Archaeology comes back, New allied race, Solo content, PvP overhaul, Xal'Atath, More hairstyles/hair colors/player character cosmetics, WoW TV series, New class, WoW 2, Night Elf Mohawk Grenade toy, Nod to void lords somewhere, Vyranoth sacrifices herself before next expac, Changes to guild systems, New mage tower and Fix mechanics of old farmable tmog raids (jaina, g'huun, etc.).

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