Lingo Bingo

Lingo Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 74 words: Give a few minutes back, Align, What questions do you have?, More to come..., Loop in/Out of the loop, Think outside the box, Holistic approach, Capacity (in reference to a personal workload), Stakeholder, Ping (in reference to messaging someone), Pain points, Pushback, Value Add, Pivot, Win-Win, Circle back, Deep dive, Let's take this offline..., Moving parts, Low-hanging fruit, On the radar, On the record, Streamline, "Disconnect", *Someone talking on mute*, Wheelhouse, Leverage, Hard Stop, Let's table/park this..., Touch base, On your/my plate, My door is always open, "Handoff", "Opportunities", Ballpark, Best Practice, Ducks in a row, Hop on a call, Pick your brain, Walk through, Follow up, *Dog bark cameo*, *Someone using an avatar on video*, Go-forward plan/Game plan, Transparency, Collaboration, Take ownership/ Who owns this?, Empower/ Empowerment, Check in, *A meeting that should have been an email*, *An email that should have been a meeting*, Reach out, Takeaways, Can you hear/see me ok?, Let me pull up..., (Name) is the expert on this..., Could you include me on that email/call?, Reinvent the wheel, Can you share your screen?, Switch gears, Shoutout/ Kudos to..., Happy (day of week), Key players, Get the ball rolling, Can you see my screen?, "Housekeeping items", I'll defer to..., *Someone joins a meeting 5+ minutes early*, *Someone's video/audio freezes/cuts out*, *Two people talking at the same time*, I have to drop..., I couldn't find the mute button!, Piggy back and *Uses an acronym*.

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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 20 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 7 items. Typically, 1 player will win at a time.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.