This bingo card has a free space and 48 words: Logan Paul goes to Prom with a random chick no one has heard of, Licorice ISN'T last place in fantasy, Someone shows up drunk and/or high to graduation, Another student from McLaurin gets pregnant, Someone unexpected joins the military, Someone in the senior class gets in a fist fight with an underclassman, The ambulance comes to the school again, Sugar gets drug tested AGAIN, The cops get called, Win something cool at Beta Convention, Sugar and Cookie go to state for tennis, Cookie gets valedictorian, Sugar goes to Prom alone, Cookie goes to Prom alone, Sugar goes to college with no bf, Licorice gets a bf and/or gf, Hat Boy gets back together with Leslie, Honey still can't pick a college by Feb., Sugar changes her major again, Potato and that random girl break up and he brings a new girl to prom, Sugar and Honey miss another email deadline, Licorice crashes her new car, Sugar does understand clear directions, Senior class waits till the last minute to do their prank, An early grad doesn't get to graduate, Pick Me Boy repeats 12th grade for the 3rd time, People that said they would go to a 4 year end up at a 2 year, Fix It Felix changes schools again, Catfish makes varsity tennis, Girls make it to state in bowling, Cookie has a glow up and self care era, Honey gets a motorcycle, Honey's dad still hasn't signed her military papers, Logan Paul AND Flake get prom king and queen, Lemonade cusses someone out, Fainter faints again, We actually post one of our Youtube videos, The Youtube video goes viral, Cookie gets the scholarships she applied for, Carrot has over 30 hours of seat time, Floyd comes back, One of the "studs" comes out as gay, Somebody fails Stalin's class, Somebody will drop out of school, Somebody gets their Prom-Posal rejected, Somebody gets kicked out of the Hall of Fame, Cookie gets a tattoo before graduation and Somebody ends up spilling some of the code names.
Class of 2024 BASIS BINGO | Logan's College Life Bingo | 2025 Bingo | Freshman Year Benis Bingo | Graduation Bingo!!!
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