Attack on Titan Finale

Attack on Titan Finale Bingo Card

This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Annie x Armin, Mikasa x Jeanne (epiloge), Zeke appears again, Connie dies, Jeanne becomes Paradise-Leader, Eren x Histora = child, Flock catches up to Team, Gabi x Falco, Reinhard gives Armor to Gabi, Hange dies, Eren Future Flashback, Eren eats another Titan, Eren Avatar past Lifes moment, Eren screams "TATAKAE!!!", Island Location reveal, Uno Reverse Card, Timetravel (Titan Power), Humanity except Eldians die, Eldians die, Titan Powers get abolished, first OP plays, Ymir dies in Coordinate, 9 Titans Origin story and King Fritz Exposition.

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