This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Nana falls asleep sitting up, Nana yelling at papa / fight, Papa falling asleep w a lit cigarette, Amanda stays 30 min, shane coughing his lungs out, Abby and the kids show up, Papa starts eating before he’s supposed to, A fight breaks out, Amanda mentions prison / prison food, More than 3 cigarettes going at the same time while close to oxygen, Dad says the prayer, Janice has to leave due to smoke inhalation, Somebody teases Kelsey about Rocky, Somebody cries, Nana’s humming, Someone drops silverware plate cup, Nana falls asleep sitting up, Awkward silence beyond 1 minute, Dad tries to lighten the mood but instead makes it worse, Someone savagely states the truth, Papa talks delusional, Talk about drugs, Doris comes over and traps someone in conversation and Nana says Tammy’s hairs not short enough.
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Nana falls asleep sitting up (2)
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