the imposisisisisisivle bingo

the imposisisisisisivle bingo Card

This bingo card has 25 words: saud eatting a fish, mazin coming back to overwatch comp, saud / saud installing tiktok, asaad going out without saying "عندي اختبار بكرا", saud gets a high rank (master), ma7moud graduating, someone gettting married, aboody going to a social event, sindi stops being SUS for a month, saleh qutting lost ark, mazin eating pizza hut, ibrahim and sindi stop sharing the same brain cell, japan trip, sindi stops vaping, isso making ramen محترم, ibrahim stops bullying his sister, ma7moud being single for six months, saud getting his driving license, isso going 3 days without a sidequest, someone goes to jail / police station, someone going bald (pick person), first one to go to therapy / mental hospital, sindi losing 20kg (atm 115), the khans getting optic fiber and mohammed not raging in R6/other game.

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