This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Bought at least 2 items during Black Friday sales -----------------, Living in Australia for less than 10yrs ----------------, I can recite a verse from the Old Testament -----------------, I create an art this year ------------, Not a good swimmer ------------, Likes the song "All I want for Christmas" by M.Carey ----------------, Loves to sing --------------, I've been to a different country this year -------------------, Loves spicy food -------------, Got covid more than once :( -------------, Not a fan of pineapple on a pizza ---------------, This is not my 1st Christmas party this year -------------------, I don't like spiders -------------, I prefer tea over coffee --------------, I prefer smooth peanut butter than the crunchy one ------------------, I still watch cartoons ------------, I prefer sweet over savoury ---------------, Owns an iPhone ------------, Time is one of my top 2 love language ---------------, Prefer to read the bible in the morning ----------------, Youngest child in the family --------------, I went to a different State (outside VIC) this year ------------------, Doesn't watch scary shows ---------------, My 3rd letter in personality test is F; (Feeling over Thinking) --------------------, Will take the train to CBD than drive there -------------------, Posted something on social media this week ------------------, Have / had a pet cat --------------, I am working or studying during the Christmas and New Year week ------------------- and I prefer winter over summer ----------------.
Con Us Bingo | Con Us Bingo | Social Bingo | Energy Bingo | Holiday Bingo
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