strictly bingo

strictly bingo Card

This bingo card has 19 images and 33 words: motsi says "energy", shirley says "first/second of all", craig says "darling", anton says "well done/well done you", someone touches their heart, professional dancer massively shows up celebrity, really really awful outfit, "i love your outfit", line mishap or other live filming error left in, "___ality", "skip this", "do we want to watch this bit", neon, "fab-u-lous", "ah-may-zing", mention of an obscure dance thing, male dancer's hand in an awkward place during judge's comments, mum gets 'the tingles', ben says "i hate this guy" or similar, motsi's hair is notable, the socks and trackie bottoms combo, big up Dave Arch, a lift where it looks like one is doing all the work but actually it's the other one, "what a way to open/close the show", craig does not get booed, "they're just running around", wardrobe malfunction, standing ovation, someone cries, "such an improvement on last week", undermarked, overmarked and tess fake laughs.

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