This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Accidentally missed a meeting, Went through the year without missing any deadlines, Working on a blog or landing page, Felt a creative block, Worked on a task that was put on hold, Worked on a product marketing campaign, Generated an AI Avatar of yourself, Had a meeting with Scott while he was at his son's karate studio, Received vague or conflicting feedback, Worked on an email newsletter, Received praise from a satisfied stakeholder, Became a Midjourney expert, Adobe crashed before you could save your project, Your cat, dog, or child interrupted you during a meeting, Shared inspiration in global-creative, Delivered a project so good you want to frame it for your home, Called Zach and Kinzie Zanzie so much you forgot they had individual names, Received the feedback to make your work more "prosumer", Worked on a rush request with a one day turnaround, Went on a team building organized by Vahe Turismo, Successfully convinced a stakeholder to trust your instincts, Collaborated on a project that turned into a team bonding experience, Worked on a project that had a very tight budget and Joined the Creative team this year.
WE-NGO (Manager) | Bingo Test | Not taking ourselves too seriously!! | Memory Lane Bingo | BICOE Bingo
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