This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Ukraine breaks through Russian lines near Dnipro, Major scientific discovery / advancement, United States military budget increase, Someone new is invited to the gc, Someone "leaves" the gc (goes inactive forever), Aspen does something actually bad, Collin becomes the new s4mmy but leftist, Noah changes yet ANOTHER character trait of theirs, Jack gets a girlfriend, Alexis breaks up with Ashton, John crashes or otherwise damages her car, something EVIL (you know what I mean by this) happens to a gc member, Michelle and Jewell make it through the year, Ben actually invites s4mmy, someone goes into crippling debt (not just student loans), Collin talks to a woman (Impossible), Joe Brandon wins reelection in a small margin, a Jan 6 tier event happens again, Someone else comes out as gay/bi/trans/lgbtq+, Noah makes a college friend, Collin has a discovery flight, Big cult classic movie comes out during the summer, Someone switches colleges and Elon Musk loses a big part of his net worth.
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