
Huh? Bingo Card

This bingo card has 25 words: fill in exactly 2 of the other squares in this row, fill in at least 1 of the other squares in this row, have this be the only square in this row filled in, have at most 2 of the other squares in this column filled in, fill any entire row, leave any entire column blank, have exactly 1 of the other squares in this column filled, have exactly 4 other squares in either the same row or column as this one filled, have an odd number of squares in the 3x3 neighborhood of this one filled, have an even number of squares in this one's column filled (including this one), have more squares in the A column filled in than the W column, this square is in the ? column, fill this one, this square satisfies the condition of an orthogonally adjacent square but that square isn't filled in, the square directly above this one XOR the square directly below it, the number of filled in squares that come before this one in reading order is a multiple of 3, you can fill or not fill this one it's up to you, this square is in the same column as "fill any entire row", this square is part of a 2x2 block of filled squares, if you number the squares in reading order this one's prime, this square is part of an orthogonally connected region of exactly 5 filled squares, don't fill this one, fill in an entire diagonal, this matches the center square and if you fill this in you get to leave a square that should be filled in blank.

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Call List


With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.

Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.