This bingo card has 25 words: Someone from guis family dies, One of us does something crazy with her hair, Laura get sa new tattoo, Gui gets a new piercing, An ex is making a comeback, Gui cancels her friends from my life (again), Germany wins Eurovision, The Olympics just lead to chaos in France and new yellow vests, Laura gets income from creative activity, Gui changes apartment, One of us changes life path (again), Gui stops talking to her dad, This year is sickness free for both of us, 💖, Someone we know gets pregnant, Melina gets engaged, King Charles dies, Laura finds healthy love lmao, Malte gets engaged, You/I get pregnant, Melina and Jack break up, Laura gets rich somehow (lottery), Lauras rude grandma dies, Gui finds stray cat, Gui gets amazing internship and Trump wins election.
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