This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: Blitzo and Stolas Duet, Someone gets shot, New Deadly Sin Introduced, Someone Cries, Moxxie, Millie, And Loona return., Fizz and Ozzie Reappear, Veroiska Episode where Vortex Returns, Stella and Her Brother Episode, Barbie Wire Returns, Emotional Scene involving two of the characters, Octavia Song, Christmas Episode, One of The Main Characters ALMOST Dies, Slivahound Song, Ghost Like Villian, DHORKS dont return, Barbie Wire is mentioned, Stolas Gives Blitzo the asmodeus Crystal, Stolitz starts to get resolved after episode 8, Stolas tells Blitzo that he loves him., Episode ends on a cliff hanger, Loona does bite of 87 on a villain, Stella and his brother try to screw Stolas over. and Millie centered episode.
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