This bingo card has 20 words: Popped fireworks, Hung out with school friends during break, Watched a Christmas movie with a family member, Only got gift certificates for Christmas, Got a new vehicle, Slept past 12 pm at least once, Shopped for Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve, Has already started the countdown to Spring Break, Traveled during the holidays, Worked during the holidays, Still has their Christmas tree up, Received Jewlery for Christmas, Went out of the country during the holidays, Went to church, Ate way too much, Already started a new years resolution, Missed coming to class, Got an A+ on a final exam, Didn't fight with their siblings and Had eggnog.
Post Christmas Holiday Bingo | Post Christmas Holiday Bingo | People Bingo | Holiday 2023 | Holiday Break Bingo: FIND SOMEONE WHO...
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