This bingo card has a free space and 39 words: Making us repeat "good morning", Steve Hall, Miss Hazel has a go over nothing, "It's not all of you but some of you need a reminder", Expectations, Telling us to sit up straight, Respect is emphasised, Waffle, Going over rules, Mike acting hard, "As your head teacher/head of year", Nothing Burger, Needless repetition, Graphic design is my passion, Mention of GCSEs, "You have to buckle down now", Telling us to revise, Calling attention to talking, Shite music, Cringe, "Pride in the academy", "How we conduct ourselves around the academy", Assembly runs into P1, Pointless new rule, Mention of other year groups, "You're role models", Technical Difficulties, Other teachers don't give a toss about the assembly, Mention of toilets, Something about phones, First Time Every Time, Star Behaivour, "Your last year in the academy", Uniform, "It shows if you pay attention", Someone gets sent out, Attendance, Something about bobbing and Mention of previous Year 11.
Engage in Excellence Bingo | Michellisms | John’s Wedding Weekend | Hempfield Assembly Bingo | ENT 303 Bingo
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