This bingo card has a free space and 28 words: Hanzo: Sonic Arrow Kill, Sojourn: Disruptor Shot Kill, Mei: Block an Ult with Ice Wall, Genji: Deflect Ult, Ashe: Dynamite Kill, Widowmaker: Grapple Kill, Torb: Hammer Kill, Go a game without killing a fem character('s mech NOT included), Go a game without using your Ult, End a game with 3 or less deaths, Shutdown an Ult, Boop Someone off the map, Solo Ult, Exceed 4200 damage, 20 Elims, End a game 6 and 9, Go a game without touching the payload, Use health packs 10 times in one game, Ana: Nano a Lucio, Mercy, or Baby, Mercy: Battle Mercy for entire Ult, Zenyatta: Kick someone into an ult, Lifeweaver: Life grip an Ulting ally, Baptiste: Prevent 2 or moe Ult kills with 1 Imortality Field, Brigitte: Sheild Bash kill, Lucio: Soundwave Kill WITHOUT booping of map, Go an entire game without healing any masc characters (Bastion NOT included), End a game with equal to or more elims than a DPS on your team and End a game with the highest healing in the lobby.
Olivia's Card | Olivia's Card | Trifoi"s Card | Sam's Card | Sam's Card
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about __ items before someone wins. There's a __% chance that a lucky player would win after calling __ items.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.