This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: What is a blood vessle?, What are arteries?, What are veins?, What are capillaries?, What is blood?, What is plasma?, What are white blood cells?, What are red blood cells?, What are platelets?, What is the function of the heart?, What is the function of the lungs?, What consists of the cardiovascular system?, Define the CF "Cardi(o)", What does "cardio- myopathy" mean?, After the lungs, where does blood flow to?, Before blood travels to the aorta, where does it come from?, Where is the heart most commonly located?, Where is he lungs in comparison to the heart?, What does "cardio- pulmonary" mean?, What is the CF for aorta?, What is the CF for Artery?, If blood is in the right ventricle is the blood oxygenated or deoxygenated?, If blood is in the pulmonary veins is the blood oxygenated or deoxygenated? and What are one of the main functions of the cardio vascular system?.
Circulatory System BINGO | Circulatory System Bingo | Circulatory and Respiratory Bingo | Heart | CIRCULATORY SYSTEM
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