This bingo card has a free space and 29 words: Someone enters The Void, Dark Adam Returns, Osvaldo mentions Cuba, Someone gets dunked in the frier, Traumz subathon ends, Adam spins a leek, Vehicle explodes, Code Red at Snr Buns, 4th wall gets broken, Someone gets hit by a vehicle, Damien plays music, Adam orders water and fries, Adam says "My body", Damien uses voice changer, The Group gets robbed, "Lord of the Rings" is mentioned, "You're a freakin' babe", Osvaldo mentions his kids, Hogs talks about Disney, Osvaldo mentions the Dolphins, Traumz powergames, Someone spills their drink, Damien mentions being a goth, Osvaldo gets knocked out in one hit, Someone dies from fall damage, Damien becomes unhinged, Adam Driver, A wild James appears and Adam remembers.
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