This bingo card has a free space and 24 words: we wipe on door for 30 minutes, nathan switches to sam, wipe to limit cut, bpog mistakes (wipe), wipe to wind/fire, we heck up towers/wipe to towers (wipe), gordo accidently pulls/kayla jokes about controller players, people forget to bait on bpog2, someone gets yeeted by wind, someone dc'd/needs to restart, someone gets hit by birds during door, someone just mcfalls dead @ limit cut, wipe to bpog 2 because people forgot it was a mechanic, 0s dont get their slimies, somebody (nathan) gets tankbusted, nathan dies and heather is top dps so we gotta wipe (only if hes on mnk, he'll prob be sam tho so), nathan makes a "where are the eels" reference, people show up -10mins into start time, dave doesnt call something out so we all die, someone mentions fishing on 11, gordo does his little dance during p2 first tb, kayla gaslights someone (as a joke), someones gear breaks and CLEAR LMFAOOOOO FUNNY JOKE BRO.
EX6 FARM BINGO | Remi E12S | Wololo TEA | The Frogs Bingo | Updated TEA prog Bingo
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With players vying for a you'll have to call about 8 items before someone wins. There's a 0.33% chance that a lucky player would win after calling 4 items. Typically, 1 to 2 players will win at the same time.
Tip: If you want your game to last longer (on average), add more unique words/images to it.