This bingo card has a free space and 44 words: THREE LOUD CLAPS, SLAPS CHAIR, SLAPS BALL, JUMPS UP, Complains about play call, punches the air, puts arms in field post, "BUTKER", Squeezes the ball, Complains about T-SWIFT, Yells at Kelce, cusses, tomahawk chop, kicks feet, "87 BABY", "WHAT ARE THEY DOING", "I should be there", "Thats good enough for a KC Chiefs..", Fills drink up, "We're gonna lose", Clears throat*, "GET"EM", "YEAHHH", rollls eyes*, "go for it", "PACHECOO", "uh oh", throws both arms in air*, "FLAG", Sighs aggressively*, puts hands on his head, "YEAHHH", "SACKED EM", "Games not over yet", "you betcha", complains about taylor #74, "GO BABY GO", "fieldgoals dont win football games", "what a dumb comercial", kicks feet*, Rings Cowbell*, "WIDE OPEN", First down with arm and "RICEEEE".
⚠ This card has duplicate items: "YEAHHH" (2)
2024 Cowboys BINGO - Week:___ | Football BINGO | Katrina's Football Bingo | SUPER BOWL BINGO | Hubby watching a football game
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