This bingo card has a free space and 40 words: Claims Another Hospital Tried to kill them, Needs a Pregnancy Test, On a facetime call, Pain is 10/10, while texting on phone, Pain is 20/10, Requests a work note, Claims to have diarrhea, cannot provide stool sample, Abdominal Pain while eating/drinking, Multiple complaints in multiple body systems, Last ED visit <2 days ago, Needs a med refill, More than 10 allergies, Sent from PCP for MRI, “I know my body”, STD check, Wants a covid test, Doesn’t like to take medications, “I’m a hard stick”, “what’s the wait time?”, “The doctor called ahead”, Scared a needles, has tattoos, “My daughter is a nurse”, “It’s been going on for a few months”, “Can I get a cab ride home?”, 97.5* is high for me, Denies drug use, smells like weed, “my veins rolls”, “You get one stick”, Allergic to morphine, takes dilaudid, Sat at SMC waiting room for 10+ hours, then came here, Multiple family members checked in, Dysuria, peed in waiting room., Patient doesn’t know any medications they take, “you should have my records”, “I have the sugar”, Floor Nurse unable to take report, 3+ family members at bedside, Body fluids on the floor, Need help getting patient out of car and Chest Pain for >1 week.
Emergency Department Bingo | Emergency Department Bingo | Emergency Department Bingo | Emergency Room Bingo | Emergency Room Bingo
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