This bingo card has a free space and 25 words: Distraction in the classroom, Distraction in the classroom, Distraction in the classroom, "ok stop talking" or "Quiet down please", Announcement over the PA (unplanned), Student asks for a Band-Aid, Student walking around in class (tissue, throwing something away, etc.), Student asks to go to the bathroom, two students ask to go to the bathroom at the same time, Student comes in tardy, 4 or more students absent in on hour, Student doesn't have their ID, Student is on their phone, Student refuses to put airpods away, Someone comes in to observe you, Student has a bright orange backpack, ran out of time on your lesson, students complained about homework, Had to write up a student for bad behavior, Has a student wearing pajamas, Student brings food to class, sees a student running in the hallway, Has to tell the students to show your work, you answer "not exactly" when a student answers a question completely wrong and "does anyone need more time".
⚠ This card has duplicate items: Distraction in the classroom (3)
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